Alanya Payallar

Alanya Payallar

Payallar is a town in the Alanya city of Antalya with a population of approximately 9000. The distance between Payallar and Alanya center is approximately 18 km.

Payallar is a town in the Alanya city of Antalya with a population of approximately 9000.

The distance between Payallar and Alanya center is approximately 18 km. It is approximately 20 minutes to reach Alanya center from Payal. The distance between Payallar and Antalya is 121 km. It is possible to reach Antalya in 2.5 hours.

Payallar is 60 km from the International Alanya-Gazipaşa Airport. It is possible to reach with a journey of approximately 1.5 hours. The distance between Payallar and Antalya Airport is 110 km, which makes it possible to reach Antalya Airport in approximately 2.5 hours. For those who do not have a private vehicle, various means of transportation are available to go to the airports. You can get help for airport transfer service reservation here.

Payallar is a very comfortable area in terms of transportation with its location by the sea. It is possible to go to Alanya center in a short time by private car. There are various means of transportation among those who do not have a private vehicle, and with these vehicles, it is possible to reach the desired location in a short time. You can find information about transportation in Alanya here. Alanya is a very comfortable place in terms of traffic, it is easy and fast to reach the desired place with the sea view roads that go straight along the coast.

Payallar, located by the sea, embodies all the beauties of the Mediterranean climate, like other regions in the Mediterranean. With its natural beauties and climate, it is a very suitable region to live in summer and winter. Those who want to live in the Mediterranean region and enjoy the climate that is beautiful in 4 seasons are increasing day by day. Many local and foreign people prefer Alanya to live in the Mediterranean region. Alanya is a location that is developing more and more every day.

The percentage of preference for Alanya is increasing day by day, the neighborhoods of Alanya offer good alternatives for those who do not want to live in the center and the bustling structure of the center. You can find more information about the neighborhoods of Alanya here.

These coastal towns, located by the sea, attract many people with their closeness to the center, the beauty of the sea and nature. Payallar is one of these coastal towns, and more and more people are becoming aware of this developing region. Payallar is a good alternative with its natural beauties and developing structure for those who want to own a house in Alanya. It is an ideal location for those who want to live in a quieter place away from the crowds of the center but close to the center. There are markets, shops and restaurants in Payallar where you can meet many of your needs.

With its newly built structures, there are opportunities suitable for people of all budgets in this region. It is a very suitable region for those who want to invest with its precious lands. This region, which is developing and gaining value day by day, has started to attract the attention of investors in recent years. Payallar, like many regions within Alanya, will become a region where many more people live in the future. If you contact us about investment, we, as team, can direct you to the most reliable and correct investments. You can contact us here.

It is preferred by many people during the holidays. You can have a holiday in this region with various hotels in Payallar and enjoy the sea, sand and sun to the fullest. Payallar, located close to Summer Garden, one of the biggest nightclubs of Alanya, allows you to enjoy the sea during the day and enjoy the night life of Alanya at night.

We recommend that those who want to live in Alanya, invest in Alanya or have a holiday in Alanya should evaluate and visit Payallar.

You can contact us for any questions, comments and suggestions about the Payallar region.


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